This collection of topics—some of my story, healthcare policy, health advice, and a bit of woo—is quite unique! I will be curious how it all comes together as I edit. I have written around 14,000 words so far and have many sections outlined that I have yet to flush out.
I continue to be excited and terrified by this process, but continue on. I feels called that someone needs the words I am writing. Some change can happen because of the conversations this will stir up. Someone might improve their health because of these recommendations. So, if it helps one person—this will all be worth it.
Here is a small excerpt from a bit of the “woo-woo” section:
“As humans, we need connection. We must remember that we are part of nature. We must connect with one another, our communities, and the environment. Each of us has value and brings thoughts, ideas, talents, and skills that are unique to us. In the same way that each instrument is needed in an orchestra to produce the full sound of a composition, we are all needed to play our own role. The ensemble is not complete if someone does not show up and use their gifts in the way they were meant to. The small actions you take, such as your smile, tone of voice, word choice, and facial expressions have the ability to change another persons’ mood. That is powerful. You are walking and breathing influence. Let’s use that for good. Let’s be empowered to create a positive impact that ripples out to those we meet, and on to those they reach, and beyond. It can start with you and one simple decision to love yourself and love others.”